
Routines are the building blocks of TimeFlow workflows. If you are scripting in python, you can use them directly. Support for building non-python algorithms into TimeFlow routines is planned.

The left-most column is used as the independent variable when joining tables, and in all standard routines (currently only linear_interpolate) which require an independant reference variable.

Base Classes


An abstract base class that gives the basic TimeFlow mechanics for free.

routines just import and then export.

when something calls one of their exports, they try to import whatever is necessary and then give the result.

future plan: ask if data has changed (which gets propagated all the way up to the first file, or other thing that has actually changed. if nothing changed, reply with the memoized value.)

Stores data internally on the [something] property.

Routine Cycle

  1. The routine is asked if its data has changed.

    • if it knows, it can respond right away.
    • if it depends on whether a dependency’s data has changed, it passes the request up the chain, and passes the response back down.
  2. The routine may be asked for its data, possibly with arguments.

  3. The routine may ask a dependency for data.

  4. The routine provides gives the data back.

The first and last routines in a chain are special. The first one can get its data from wherever it wants, but must still provide returned data in the standard timeflow format. The last one has to get data in that format, but may return data in an arbirary format. Or do anything, like open a plot.

How do Routines Affect Data?

When a routine is asked for its output, it should return one of

  • The original table augmented with one or more extra columns
  • The original table, with modifications to values in one or more columns

Routines may accept arguments with data requests, and return data in a form appropriate to the arguments. For example, a filter might, by default, add a column to the data annotating whether a row passed or failed a criteria. Passing the routine an if argument when requesting data could cause it to instead remove rows which pass or fail the criteria.

The Data Proxy

Data proxies are objects attached to a routine which link it to its data source. Arguments may be attached to the proxy to be passed onto the source (see above), and some extra stuff is available.

Two ancestor tables can be joined by specifying with with another routine on the data proxy. Currently, it’s a left join on the left-most column of each table. The left table takes precedence on conflicting columns.

More flexible joining options will be explored at a later time.

Built-in Routines

The built-in routines are useful on their own, but also designed to be subclassed. Extend away!


Import data from a variety of formats

eventually this will have an answer for whether the file has changed.


numpy, pickle, csv, ...


make pretty graphs